Home decorations are always better when you make them yourself, am I right? You just seem to get a sense of accomplishment every time you look at your beautiful creation! That’s why in this blog, I’m sharing a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a DIY cheesecloth ghost to add some creativity to your Halloween decor. Ready? Let’s get started.
What is a cheesecloth ghost?
A cheesecloth ghost refers to the DIY project of creating a “ghost” made out of the cheesecloth fabric. During Halloween, many turn to this craft in order to create unique Halloween decor on a budget. Plus, this spooky decoration is on trend this season!
Step-by-step: How to make a DIY cheesecloth ghost

Step 1: Gather your materials
For this project, you’ll need a big package of cheesecloth (you can typically find this in bulk at your local craft store or on Amazon). You also need mod podge, a balloon, a tall mason jar, super glue and black felt.
Step 2: Get your frame ready
Now that you have your materials gathered, you’ll want to assemble your base. Blow up the balloon (not too much, just enough to form a small “head” for the ghost. Once it’s ready, place the balloon on top of the mason jar and maneuver it in until it is snug.
Step 3: Dip your cheesecloth in glue
With your “ghost” base, you’re ready to get the most important part of this DIY project ready! Take your role of cheesecloth and cut two different strands that are each about the same length long. This will be the base for your ghost! Choose the length depending on how tall you want your ghost to be and how much you want it to spread out on the bottom (this will depend on how tall your mason jar is).
Once you have the perfect length, add some mod podge to a bowl and dip one strand of cheesecloth into the bowl.
Step 4: Drape your cheesecloth over the frame
Once the cheesecloth is coated, squeeze out the excess glue and drape it over your balloon base. You’ll want to try and make the shape even. If you see little sections that are rolled up, use your fingers to unravel the cheesecloth and spread it out into the ghostly shape you’re looking for. When you’re ready, repeat the process with your second piece of cheesecloth.
Step 5: Allow to dry for 24 hours
Once you are happy with the way the cheesecloth drapes over your base, you’re ready to let it dry! Leave it out for 24 hours and allow it to harden completely.
Step 6: Create and attach eyes
Now that your ghostly figure is dry, it’s time to attach your eyes! Take some scissors and pop your balloon, then gently remove your ghost from the base. It should be able to stand up on its own now.
Cut your “eyes” from the felt and attach them to your ghost using super glue (or another glue of your choice, you can also use hot glue for this). Have fun with this! You can go classic with two round eyes, or you can even do what I did and make a winking ghost.
Step 7: Place over a faux candle
Now you have the perfect Halloween home decor piece that was made from your own hands! You should be proud. Consider placing it over a fake candle and turning the candle on in the evening for a ghostly glow that radiates throughout your home.
DIY cheesecloth ghost FAQs
What if my cheesecloth ghost falls down once it’s dry?
This can be due to the weather conditions where you live. You may need to stake it up with something if it continues to fall down or use two layers of cheesecloth to make it more sturdy. Be sure you give it ample time to dry before removing it from the mold.
How long does it take for the cheesecloth ghost to dry completely?
The drying time can vary depending on the humidity in your area, but it typically takes several hours to overnight. Using a fan can help speed up the drying process.
Can I make my cheesecloth ghost bigger or smaller?
Yes! You can adjust the size of your ghost by inflating the balloon to your desired head size and by varying the length of the cheesecloth strips. Longer strips create a larger ghost, while shorter strips result in a smaller one.
How do I store my cheesecloth ghost after Halloween?
To store your ghost, gently flatten it and place it in a dry, cool place. Avoid folding or creasing the cheesecloth, as this can damage the shape. A cardboard box or plastic bin works well for storing it until the next spooky season.
Can I reuse the cheesecloth for another project after making a ghost?
While the cheesecloth will be stiffened for the ghost, you can try soaking it in warm water to soften it again if you want to reuse it for a different craft project in the future.
Is it safe to use a fake candle with my cheesecloth ghost?
Yes, it’s safe to use a battery-operated fake candle with your cheesecloth ghost. However, avoid using a real flame as it may pose a fire hazard.
Can I add more embellishments to my cheesecloth ghost?
Absolutely! Get creative with your ghost by adding additional decorations like ribbon, fabric paint, or glitter for a unique and personalized touch.
Can I hang my cheesecloth ghost outdoors?
Yes, you can hang your ghost outdoors, but be mindful of weather conditions. If it’s going to rain or be excessively windy, it’s best to bring your ghost indoors to preserve its shape and longevity.
How do I clean my cheesecloth ghost if it gets dusty or dirty?
Gently dust your cheesecloth ghost with a soft brush or use a can of compressed air to remove any dust or debris. Avoid getting it wet, as moisture can affect the fabric stiffener.
Can I make multiple cheesecloth ghosts for a larger display?
Of course! You can create a spooky army of cheesecloth ghosts by following the same steps for each one. Adjust their sizes and shapes for a diverse and eerie ensemble.
Conclusion: DIY cheesecloth ghost
Creating a cheesecloth ghost not only gives you a unique Halloween decoration for your home, but it also makes for a fun activity for you to do with family and friends. Get creative and make a ghost that’s perfectly tailored to your ideal Halloween home decor.
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13 Pottery Barn Halloween Decor Dupes
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